(859) 407-7400

Top Tips for Choosing Frames to Suit Your Face Shape

(859) 407-7400

Top Tips for Choosing Frames to Suit Your Face Shape

(859) 407-7400

Top Tips for Choosing Frames to Suit Your Face Shape

(859) 407-7400

Top Tips for Choosing Frames to Suit Your Face Shape

(859) 407-7400

Top Tips for Choosing Frames to Suit Your Face Shape

Many people loath choosing new frames for their glasses since the options out there are many, and most look amazing. However, not every frame looks good on anyone. Your choice will give people insight into the kind of person you are and the lifestyle you lead. However, you can make the selection process easy by following some simple tips.


Depending on the shape of your face, you can follow some simple rules to settle on the frames that will give you the look you want or the ideal one for your face shape. The best frames are sure to bring out your unique facial contours and make you look great.



Factors to Consider When Choosing Frames



People go for glasses for many reasons, to enhance their vision or correct a problem with their eyes among them. However, your tastes and preferences, character, facial structure, skin tone, hair, and eye color will largely influence the type of frames you should get.


Here is more information on the frames that complement various face shapes. 



Square Shape



A square face features a strong jawline, a wide chin, and a broad forehead. The frames ideal for this face should have a long appearance. They can also include ones that appear curved, oval, or circular. Frames that soften the angles of the face should be a good fit too.



Oval Shape



This face shape shows balanced features and proportions, such as rounded foreheads and chins. People with this face shape are fortunate because all types of frames look good on them. Such people can choose to be adventurous, though wide frames that are not too deep or narrow are ideal.



Oblong Shape



An oblong face is wide and long, and these people appear to have straight cheek lines. The frames to choose ought to be deep and wide. They also look good in decorated frames.






This face shape resembles a heart. People with this shape have wide foreheads and high cheekbones. The frames to go for should be wide at the bottom. Light-colored and rimless frames are the ideal fit for these people. 



Diamond Face Shape



People with a diamond face shape have cheekbones wider than their jaws. They should go for oval frames since these soften their angular edges.



Base-down Triangle Face Shape          



People with this face shape have narrow foreheads and wide cheek and chin areas. They should go for wide frames at the top, heavy in color, with much detail. The frame should have a cat-eye face shape that works well to emphasize the narrow upper part of the face. 



Round Face Shape



People with round face shapes have very soft curves and broad cheekbones. When choosing frames, they should go for sharp and angular frames.


For more tips on choosing frames for your face shape, visit Vision One Eyecare Center at our office in Fort Mitchell or Dry Ridge, Kentucky. You can also call (859) 267-1700 or (859) 407-7400 to book an appointment today.

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