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Vision One Eyecare Center Blog

Learn more about optometry care in our blog!

Does Keratoconus Lead to Blindness?

Keratoconus is not as commonly discussed as conditions such as near-sightedness or astigmatism, but it significantly affects the quality of life of those who have it. In the journey of understanding this condition, it's essential to equip yourself with accurate information.

How Do I Know if My Child Needs an Eye Exam?

The health of our children's eyes is paramount. Their eyes are not only the windows to their world, but also a crucial part of their learning and development. Clear and healthy vision is essential for their academic success, social interaction, and overall well-being.

What Age Should a Child get Their Vision Checked?

Children's vision and eye health are crucial aspects of their overall well-being. Their eyes are continually changing and developing as they grow, and any abnormalities or issues should be addressed as soon as possible. Eye health is not just about clear vision; it also includes eye coordination, depth perception, and color perception.

What to Expect During Your Child’s Pediatric Eye Exam

A pediatric eye exam is a comprehensive assessment of your child's visual system. It is an essential component of your child's healthcare, ensuring their eyes are developing correctly and detecting any potential problems early.

A Guide to Understanding the Process of Contact Lens Exams and Fittings

A contact lens exam is a comprehensive eye examination that goes beyond the standard eye check-up. It isn't just about determining your prescription for glasses.

How a Comprehensive Eye Exam Can Detect and Prevent Vision Problems

A comprehensive eye exam is a thorough assessment of your eyes and vision. It's more than just a simple eye test, but an essential health check that can identify a range of issues, even before any symptoms are apparent.

The Link Between Dry Eye and Digital Screens: Tips for Computer Users

Dry eye is a condition that arises when your eyes fail to produce enough tears for adequate lubrication. Not only does this lack of moisture cause discomfort, but it can also lead to vision problems if left unattended. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience, understanding the concept of dry eye is essential to maintaining our eye health.

How Often You Should Have Your Children's Eyes Examined

Please have your child's eyes checked every two years until they turn six years old, and then once a year after that. After your child's first eye exam at six months, eye doctors recommend that your child get their eyes checked regularly as indicated. A newborn's eyesight is mostly fuzzy but grows over time and fully develops in the teenage years. During those years, children's eyes change often and unpredictably. Regular eye exams help ensure that your child's eyes and vision are developing properly.

How Contact Lens Exams and Fittings Ensure a Perfect Fit and Clear Vision

Contact lenses are a popular alternative to glasses for vision correction. They provide a simple and attractive method of correcting refractive errors.

What to Expect During a Comprehensive Eye Exam

A thorough eye examination is crucial for preserving clear vision and overall eye health. The exam can assist in identifying any current or potential vision issues. These include astigmatism, cataracts, macular degeneration, and various age-related conditions.

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By Appointment Only optometrist # # # ftmitchellpatientcare@visionone2020.com 8592671700 8593412568 2174 Dixie Hwy
Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM By Appointment Only Closed https://www.google.com/search?dcr=0&ei=gsKYXta6JJCImAWPkIf4BA&q=Vision+One+Eyecare+Center+fort+mitchell&oq=Vision+One+Eyecare+Center+fort+mitchell&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBQgAEM0COgQIABBHUNyRAViopQFg8KYBaABwAngAgAFmiAGbCpIBBDEzLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjWg_Xv5u3oAhUQBKYKHQ_IAU8Q4dUDCAw&uact=5 https://www.yelp.com/biz/vision-one-eyecare-center-fort-mitchell-3 https://www.facebook.com/VisionOne2020 dryridgepatientcare@visionone2020.com 8594077400 8598244497 1114 Fashion Ridge Rd.
Dry Ridge, KY 41035 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM By Appointment Only 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM By Appointment Only Closed https://www.google.com/search?dcr=0&ei=zMKYXsGAHq29mAWr4KKIDA&q=Vision+One+Eyecare+Center+Dry+Ridge&oq=Vision+One+Eyecare+Center+Dry+Ridge&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIGCAAQFhAeOgQIABBHOgUIABDNAlDC9ARYgf4EYMqIBWgAcAJ4AIABYIgByQaSAQIxMJgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjBlpOT5-3oAhWtHqYKHSuwCMEQ4dUDCAw&uact=5 https://www.yelp.com/biz/vision-one-dry-ridge-2 https://www.facebook.com/VisionOne2020